Make 2021 Sexy Again
December 09, 2020
'Make 2021 Sexy Again’ was an art project for charity first and foremost.

This 2021 calendar is a collaboration between VICE, ILA Foundation and the artists who were kind enough to share their work with us:
Charlotte Abramow, Athos Burez, Elie Carp, Maxime Fauconnier, Antoine Grenez, Sophie Hemels, Bob Jeusette, Arnoldas Kubilius, Mous Lamrabat, Olivia Lifungula, Mayli Sterkendries, Jonas Van der Haegen, and Adieu et Bonne Chance.
The title is a cheeky farewell to Donald Trump, Miss Corona, and other poltergeists that dominated 2020 minds and news headlines. The photos in this calendar showcase under-represented beauty and sensuality in their own way, but of course, 12 months is too short to represent all that is sexy out there.

This calendar is a daily reminder to appreciate beauty and sensuality in everyone and everything, and make 2021 sexy again.

With this project, we finished 2020 on a positive note and created a beautiful clean slate for 2021.

All profits of this project went to Utsopi vzw, the union that represents and supports all sex workers in Belgium - regardless of gender, origin, legal status, or subsector (street, windows, club, escort, porn,…).