Sokoro – a story by Agneskena
February 21, 2024
A collaboration between the ILA Foundation, FOMU, and Het Bos, working together, to bring artistic visions to life.
Meet Photographer Agneskena. Born in Belgium (°1994), but her roots lie in Congo. With photo and video, Agneskena tells stories that are difficult to put into words. She finds inspiration in her own experiences as an African woman in a Western society.

With this project in collaboration with ILA, FOMU and Het Bos, Agneskena wants to investigate how black people adopt, reclaim and/or appropriate different European cultural habits.
In this exhibition, Agneskena explores narratives shared by African people in Belgium with a dog or cat as a pet. She wants to put on the map the different realities between which people with a migration background fluctuate. She prefers to spread her social messages in an accessible and aesthetic way.

Agneskena wants to portray the versatility of being “black” in a Western society. She also wants to make the debate around cultural identity accessible to a wide audience. The result is an exhibition linked to a talk, a masterclass, a kitchen and a musical evening between January 18 and 28.